Nebraska Magazine

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Nebraska Magazine has been published since January 1947. The role of the Nebraska Magazine is to chronicle the benefits and challenges of rural community life, inform consumers of the status of the rural electrification programs, inform consumers about the challenges faced by rural electric service providers and to provide electrical safety and energy conservation information. The Nebraska Magazine is published monthly and is distributed by mail to approximately 51,000 rural households in 60 Nebraska Counties.

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Subscriptions are $10 for one year, $15 for two years and $20 for three years, plus local and state tax. To subscribe: contact the Nebraska Magazine, P.O. Box 82048, Lincoln, NE 68501.

Archive Issues

Click here to download past issues of the Nebraska Magazine

Freelance Submissions: Guidelines and Rates

The Nebraska Magazine seeks articles of interest to rural Nebraskans, especially those which both inform and entertain our 51,000 readers, most of whom are farmers and ranchers. The Nebraska Magazine works to address the following issues: rural health care, rural education, rural transportation, rural economic development and other aspects of rural living, especially those that show the relationship between rural electrification and the quality of rural life.

When submitting materials for editorial consideration to the Nebraska Magazine, please:

  1. Forward only typewritten, double spaced copy with heads, cutlines, etc. clearly identified.
  2. Include photographs, color or black and white, with your work.
  3. Forward only quality color photographs or slides for the cover. Vertical shots are preferred, but not necessary.
  4. Forward articles that are 750 to 1,200 words in length.
  5. Include a SASE with your submission. All unused submissions will be returned. Copy, photographs, illustrations used by the Nebraska Magazine remain the property of the magazine, unless prior agreement has been reached between the Nebraska Magazine and the author for the return of photographs or illustrations. Unless otherwise negotiated, the Nebraska Rural Electric Association, the publisher of the Nebraska Magazine, retains exclusive copyright of accepted submissions.

The following rates are paid by the Nebraska Magazine for publication of freelance materials:

  1. The Nebraska Magazine pays $75.00 per printed page for articles accepted for publication.
  2. At the discretion of the editor, the Nebraska Magazine pays up to $250.00 for cover art.
  3. At the discretion of the editor, the Nebraska Magazine pays up to $40.00 per black and white photograph and up to $50.00 per color photograph.
  4. The Nebraska Magazine does buy second-time rights to freelance material.

Direct all correspondence, questions and submissions to:

attn: Wayne Price, Editor,
Nebraska Magazine
P.O. Box 82048, Lincoln, NE 68501

Phone: (402) 475-4988
Fax: (402) 475-0835